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Zannie Fraser (aka Luminous Tales) makes inspiring and

visually stimulating shadow theatre productions for children

and their families.


She began her theatre career studying performance with Philippe Gaulier and Monika Pagneux in Paris. She has performed with companies such as Trestle Theatre, Theatre sans Frontieres, Theatre Rites, Indefinite Articles, Little Angel Theatre and Norwich Puppet Theatre.


Since 1998, she has created, performed and toured10 shows and 

in 2003, was the first British company to perform at the International Shadow Theatre Festival in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany. She has performed in theatres, village halls, schools and festivals across the UK.


She also teaches puppetry and performance in schools, universities and adult education colleges.


"I love the simplicity and immediacy of this art form to create magic from the simplest of materials… step into a darkened space, turn on the light and watch the stories appear."

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